The US Climate Bill Makes Now the Best Time to Go Solar
Residential credits and business investment tax credits are back to 30% effective for solar equipment placed in service any time after January 1, 2022. Explore Your Solar Options >
if you haven’t noticed yet…
We are in the middle of a Renewable Energy Boom!
Growth rate in the world’s renewable energy capacity jumped 45% in the last several years, part of “an unprecedented boom” in wind and solar energy.
It’s not that long ago when it was very difficult to prove the advantages of solar and when discussing what solar options were available to the homeowner it was like we were speaking a foreign language.
But it wasn’t because people didn’t understand what was being said, it was because there was very little common knowledge about solar and they had nothing to compare it to.
That has all changed.
It is now more apparent than ever before what a positive difference Solar has made to both homes and businesses. We now consider the effects our energy consumption has on the environment due to the lack of choices in energy providers.
But over the last ten years we’ve all been educated about Solar to some degree and many of us are now much more aware of how our energy is produced and how Solar has changed our options dramatically.
Solar has become more efficient and more affordable than ever before.
Actually there is a lot that all of us can do and if we start now and better manage our energy usage we won’t be forced into change by need or by nature.
Solar works best when you need less energy
One of the simplest and inexpensive things we can do is to practice energy conservation. It’s really not that hard to do and when you realize that by conserving energy you can also save money. That can then translate into a noticeable difference in your electric bill and that’s when Solar starts to make real dollar sense.